James King McIntyre
631 Tarpen Ave. #6391
Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034
Phone/Fax (904) 261-5630
1973 Emory and Henry College Emory, Virginia
Major: Biology
Sports: Varsity Letter (football)
1976 University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Zoology Minor: Chemistry
1979 Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho
American Association of
Lab. Animal Science
Manager Training Course
Ralston Purina
Technical Lab. Animal Care
1980 University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho
Degree: Education, Teacher
Certification Program
Major: Secondary Biology,
General Science
1996 University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL
Teacher Certification,
Secondary Biology,
Middle Grades, Science
72 J.F.K. Memorial High School Iselin, New Jersey
All State Football Team
Honorable Mention
All-American Football Team
5/00-6/00 Tanna, Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific.
Director, Southwest Pacific Research Foundation.
Development and direction of an independant research
study dealing with porcine( Sus sp.) glabrousness and dwarfism.
5/96 - 6/96 Sandaun Province,
Papua, New Guinea
Director of an exploratory/Fact-Finding
expedition to determine the conservation
status and needs for the free-living
populations of the New Guinea Singing Dog
(Canis lupus dingo)
8/95 - Present Callahan Middle School
Callahan, Florida. Instructor of
Exceptional Student(Special Education 95-96)
Alternative Education 97-98
General Science 99-Present
Teacher of the Year
5/93 - Present Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific
Director of Field Research/Southwest Pacific
Research Foundation. Development and
direction of an independent research project
focusing on a unique form of porcine
intersexuality (see publications)
10/85-1/94 White Oak Plantation, Yulee, Florida
Private breeding facility for engangered animals
Zoologist/Mammal Supervisor,
organizing and scheduling of crews,
record keeping correspondence,
purchasing, conducting tours, designing
and building of animal facilities,
shipping and receiving, developing
research projects, emergency veterinary
procedures, immobilization, animal
restraint and handling, developing animal
management protocol and paper presentations
(seminars/professional groups).
2/88-4-88 Ituri Forest, Eastern Zaire
Participated in all phases of a capture
campaign focusing on securing Okapi(Okapia johnstoni) for
International placement.
10/84-10/85 White Oak Plantation, Yulee, Florida
Head Animal Keeper, care and maintenance
of over 500 specimens of exotic threatened
and endangered mammals, birds and reptiles.
6/84-10/84 Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York
Principal Keeper Program Mammal Department
Administration/Management Trainee
1/81-10/84 New York Zoological Park, Bronx Mammal
Department Menagerie Keeper, Elephant
Handler, Wild Asia Relief Senior Keeper
5/80-12/80 Latah County Animal Shelter-Director
Moscow, Idaho
8/79-12/79 Idaho State University - Lab. Animal Tech.
Pocatello, Idaho
8/78-8/79 Van Saun Zoo - Zookeeper, birds, mammals,
& reptiles
Paramus, New Jersey
1/77-1/78 Cranbury Veterinary Hospital - Veterinary
Assistant, Radiologist
East Brunswick, New Jersey
1976 University of Idaho Life Sciences Dept.
Laboratory Animal Keeper
Moscow, Idaho
1974/76/78 Easterday Ranch - Ranchhand Foreman of a
20,000 acre, 2,000 head commercial beef
operation w/hay and swine production
New Guinea Singing Dog Conservation Society
American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums
American Association of Zookeepers
American Minor Breed Conservancy
Outward Bound S.T.E.P. Program
McIntyre, James K., "Investigations into the relative abundance
and anatomy of intersexual pigs (sus sp.) in Republic of Vanuatu", Science in New
Guinea Vol. 22 (3); 1997
McIntyre, James K., Greger, L.L. et al, "Male
pseudohermaphroditism in the pig:
Identification and preliminary
hormonal investigations of intersex pigs
on remote islands in the Republic of
Vanuatu", Biology of Reproduction Vol. 54 Supplement 1; 1996
McIntyre, James K., "The Design, Construction, and Attachment
of a Prosthetic Tail on a Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)", From the
proceedings of the 19th National Conference of The American Association of Zookeepers, San
Diego, Calif., 1992
McIntyre, James K., "Medical Management of Traumatic Toe Wall
injuries in a Southern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Simum Simum)", From the
proceedings of The 17th National Conference of the American Association of Zookeepers,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1990
Koler-Matznick, J., I. L. Brisbin, Jr. and J. McIntyre. (2000). The New Guinea singing dog: a living primitive dog. In Dogs through time: an archaeological perspective, proceedings of the 1st ICAZ symposium on the history of the domestic dog: 239 – 247. Crockford, S. J. (Ed.). Oxford: British Archaeological Press.
J. Koji Lum, James K. McIntyre, Douglas L. Greger, Kirk W. Huffman, and Miguel G. Vilar
Recent Southeast Asian domestication and Lapita dispersal of sacred male pseudohermaphroditic "tuskers" and hairless pigs of Vanuatu.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS) 2006 103: 17190-17195; published online before print November 6 2006, 10.1073/pnas.0608220103
D.L.Greger, J.K. McIntyre, J. Vira, J. Vutilolo, N.L. Hudson, C.A.Hendrych and D.R.Hagen Male pseudohermaphroditism in the pig: Steroidogenic responses to gonadotropin challenge in intersex pigs on remote islands in the Republic of Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific( In press)